In response to the Co-Vid 19 emergency, the Italian government has issued new protocols that we will have to follow from now on to carry out all chauffeured services.

We wanted you to know that your safety is our priority and in addition to the mandatory protocols, we have also started to install partitions in our vehicles to increase protection. Our last step will be to put safety seals on the cars each time they get sanitized, so the customer knows that they are the first person to enter the vehicle after sanitization.

Please note that our drivers will now have to take a less personal approach with clients – luggage will have to be handled at a safe distance and they can no longer offer hand shakes or open or close doors for the clients. With advanced notice, we can provide masks for all passengers.

Please find below information regarding the new laws.

D.P.C.M. dated 26 April 2020 STATES:

• Drivers are required to wear Respiratory Protection (masks) and gloves while carrying out transportation services.

• Clients CANNOT sit in the front seats.

• To ensure proper service and to keep a suitable, safe distance between the passengers on board, there should be only 2 passengers per sedan.

• For vehicles up to 8 seats, there should be 2 people for each row.

• Clients must wear Respiratory Protection (masks) and gloves.

• Clients  are encouraged to minimize verbal communications, except for reasons strictly related to the transportation service.

• Each occupant of the vehicle must wear belts as required by  article 172 of the highway code.

• In order to ensure maximum safety, at the end of each single service, the driver will have to ventilate the vehicle, opening the windows and / or the doors, and will have to sanitize all surfaces where that the clients have come into contact with, using disinfectant liquid suitable for plastic and metal services with a disposable paper towel  wearing disposable gloves.

• The passenger compartment of the vehicle used for transportation services MAY be equipped with a partition separating the driver from the rear seats reserved for clients.


The driver has the right not to carry out the service, pursuant to D.G.R. 1602/2014, art. 41 paragraph 7, and furthermore has the right, to NOT allow one or more people who have requested the service to come on board in the following cases:

• If the passengers DO NOT wear Respiratory Protection (masks)  and gloves.

• If during service, one or more passengers refuse to comply with the provisions of the ordinance.

The driver CANNOT carry out the service if the number of passengers is greater than the number that was originally booked.


• The driver is also obligated to stop the service if any of the passengers does not comply with the provisions of the protocol.

We are counting on your co-operation to ensure everyone’s well-being on board. We wish you a safe journey.